Frequently Asked Questions

The Frequently Asked Questions provides an index of the most recent and popular Amayeta Software FAQs.

Are Encrypted SWF Files 100% Secure?

The SWF specification is open, and it is theoretically impossible to devise a 100% secure solution to prevent reverse engineering of ActionScript.

That being said, however, SWF Encrypt provides extremely strong Encryption and Obfuscation Techniques to protect your SWF and the ActionScript within. At present, it is able to defeat all of the popular Flash Decompiler Tools, and the protection it provides discourages others from trying to spend the time to decompile or hack the SWF.

The effect of obfuscation and encryption is that a person intent on stealing your code will have a harder time decompiling and figuring out your code then it will be for them to just make it themselves.